Form1 Communcations Example Form1, Label3D1 Label3D Command3 &Initialize Command1 &Begin Command2 &Quit Command4 E&xit Comm1 Label3D2 Label3D Output: Picture1 Command3_Clicka Form2 Comm1 Enable Command1 Enabled Command3Q Form_Click Command1_Click Command4 Command2? Command2_Click4 DataStr Comm1_InQueue Chars Label1 Caption DataChr Command4_Click Comm1_CharIn Ascii} CharIn Text1 Queued Label3D2 Form1 Picture1 Waiting Form_KeyPress KeyAscii Form3 Command3_Click Display Setup Form If not enabled, exitf Enable Begin button Disable the restt Clear the picture Command1_Click If not enabled... Enable Initialize and Exit buttons and exit Enable Quit buttonx Send ATZ to modem Display input formS Command2_Click Kill input form Disable portu Enable Initialize and Exit buttonsa Command4_Click Comm1_InQueue Put characters in a string Print the string to picture Form_Click